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What if you could REALLY make a difference - for this generation and for several following?
What would YOU do to make it happen, if you knew you could?
Me, I am donating a YEAR, yep, count 365 days, to do what I can.
I am taking a year in my life to raise $30 million to CHANGE the course of history for not only the small outback town I live in, but for our entire NATION!
The project I am part of is seriously THAT big!
My name is Rebel Black and I am the President of the Australian Opal Centre based in Lightning Ridge, NSW, Australia.
I believe that if you can dream it, you can do it!
Do you?
Australian Opal Centre - DREAMING BIG!!!
For the past 14 years this community - and people from all over the world have believed in the vision of the Australian Opal Centre.
An extraordinary national monument, a 21st Centry Icon - a world class, energy- efficient, two-storey underground
building filled with glittering treasures from the earth and the stories of the people who found them.
I became involed in this project because for me, it optimises the power of people - to create, build and nurture a project of this magnitude AND build an incredible team of inspiring and brilliant people AND look to fund it through social power....WOW!
AND - it's an extraordinary building...just look at's beatiful!
Rare Opalised Fossils
Not to mention that we are saving national treasures, our unique and very rare opalised fossils (100 million + years old) from being sold overseas or cut into stones AND building an environmental icon to house them AND providing an extraordinary cultural and educational facility for people living in rural and remote NSW...and everyone else...WOW!
The 'POOLROOM' for Australia's Crown Jewels
You know the movie The Castle? It shows that the hard working Aussie battler has a voice...has a sense of place and has pride, dignity and deserves a fair go...well that is us!
We believe that things that are precious should go "straight to the pool room", that it is "what you do with it" that makes it special and that everyman should be entitled to dream with me, dream with us, dream with all Australians and make this happen! Let's build the 'pool room' for Australia's national treasures and show them that we can!
Our community is up for it, in fact did you know that we already have an international standard olympic pool, and indoor diving tower and heated pool complex all funded and built by the community?
Lightning Ridge Opal And Fossil Centre Inc
The Australian Opal Centre is an extraordinary national project being developed at Lightning Ridge in outback NSW, to showcase a world class collection of Australian opal, opalised fossils and vibrant opal field heritage. It will foster education, training, scientific research, tourism, industry and community cultural development, and revitalise regional economies across three states of Australia. The Australian Opal Centre is managed by Lightning Ridge Opal and Fossil Centre Inc, a not-for-profit organisation.
Isolated and disadvantaged communities have contributed over $850,000 in cash and donated items worth more than $2 million to the Centre’s magnificent national collection, acquired a breathtaking site and commissioned Glenn Murcutt and Wendy Lewin – two of Australia’s greatest architects – to design an energy-efficient building set to become a 21st century architectural icon.
This brilliant project is a gift to the world from the people of Australia’s opal fields. Now, they need your help to realise their vision. Give what you can, and we’ll create a priceless treasure for this and future generations.